Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I write . . .

. . . with no meaning, no intent or purpose. I want to write. I want to put words to paper – sentences, paragraphs, chapters, from beginning to end. I want conflict and resolution. I want, I want, I want, and I want some more. The problem: the ideas flit around in my mind, but I can’t seem to put proverbial word to paper. FRUSTRATION. Why can’t I seem to write lately? Is the moon not full? Are the stars not in alignment? Has the orm officially abandoned me? Am I just not meant to write right now? Try saying that sentence three times fast.

I stare at the blank page. I type. I type some more. I don’t have the feeling. Where are the goosebumps that propelled my writing obsession two years ago? Where is the knowledge that this is it? Was it only a one time thing? Am I doomed to endlessly search for the next best thing? Am I an Afternoon Delight? Okay, so most people have never heard of that song – the one hit wonder – from my childhood. Still, it was a catchy tune. Too bad the group never went past that one tune. I can’t even remember the name of the group, but the words and melody of the song are still in my mind. Go figure.

So, have I mentioned that I’m frustrated? Didn’t I do a blog entry about this the other day? Oh, yes, I did. Dang, I’m so blocked that I’m repeating myself. SIGH!I know that – eventually – the words will come to me. I’ll have a moment of inspiration, probably at a most inopportune time (my partner hates when that happens), and the words will flow once again. Until that happens, I guess I should be content with the fact that I am – technically – still writing through my blog entries. I just long for the days of passion where I could not stop the words. I'm just saying . . .

p.s. Starlight Vocal Band . . . no wait, a quick google and it is Starland Vocal Band. Dang!

1 comment:

SSQuo said...

You can't force it. Itll happen in a flash and you wouldnt know what hit you. That time is coming soon...i see it...i see it...

(Did I mention I am psychic? ...not):), just optimistic, but I have a good feeling about this. :)