Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Here, There, and Everywhere

Okay, very busy at work, exhausted at the end of the day . . . no time. So, that's why you're not seeing much of me on the blogsphere or here on my own blog. I'm still here, but my time is limited and by the end of the day, I don't want to get on the Internet and read a gazillion blogs. I'll catch up . . . one day.

Other than that . . .

Procrastination. I realize I've been procrastinating.

I haven't finished my query.

I haven't finished my synopsis.

I haven't done the next read through.

In fact, in regards to writing, I've done little to nothing in weeks.

That changes tonight. No TV, no personal reading, no nothing until I pull out the current manuscript and read the first few chapters.

Time's a'wasting, dear readers, and I'm not getting any younger!

I need to set my fears - yes, I think it's fear that is causing me to procrastinate - aside and just get on with it. I know the story is good. My beta readers loved the story. My beta readers all want to spend time with the main character. Hey, I don't think a writer can get a much higher compliment than the words: I love (insert main character's name)!

So, with all that said, I still haven't finished the query, the synopsis, or the next read through.

I think I just needed a break, some time for me, and now it's time to delve back in, dive into the trenches, polish that coal until it's a diamond, write the query, the synopsis, finish the read through, and send off those dang query letters.

How about you? How's your writing progressing? What exciting gem of brilliance are you working on right now? How about dem Bears? So close, and yet so far away!!



Charlie Rice said...

Hey Scott,
My current WIP is set in northern Maine during the winter. The deep snow is crucial to the story. In NYC, we're currently bracing for our seventh(!) snowstorm of the season. I want to work on the ms that was just critiqued but I'm so in the mood for the "snow story."


Scott said...

Charlie - I live in the south, so, a tiny bit of snow causes major havoc. The snow seems unending this year. Not fun, not at all.

I say work on the 'snow story' and give yourself some distance from the critiqued story. I gave myself a little over a month after receiving the critiques on my ms before I even looked at the critiques. Then, I gave myself some more time before implementing a few of the suggestions. For me, it's all about creating distance so I can have a minimal amount of objectivity.

Have fun with the snow!