Monday, March 15, 2010

Unplugged, but . . .

Well, somehow it's the third week of March already. Go figure. So, I may or may not unplug for the week. You just never know with me. Ha!

But before I go . . .

Don't forget the Drunk at First Sight Blogfest. Crap, I knew there was something I was supposed to do. I guess I know what I'm doing tonight. Check back here Wednesday for my entry!

New Look - I confused poor Robyn. It's really not that hard to do, she is a Dolphins fan after all . . . .HA! . . . with the new look of the blog. I was bored, people, and just started experimenting with the templates. Who knew poor Robyn would think she landed on somebody else's blog??

Other stuff - immersing back into writing after reading five books in the last two weeks, and starting a sixth this past weekend. More on that book in a later post, maybe today, maybe tomorrow, or maybe not until next week when I'm officially plugged back in. Officially is the key word.

Have a great week!



Tamika: said...

Happy writing!

Davin Malasarn said...

Well, if the blog template wasn't confusing enough, this post is a tad confusing too, unofficially that is. Glad you got all that reading done, Scott! I always really appreciate getting a ton of reading done. It is a rare occurrence for me though.

Elana Johnson said...

Dude, your blog changed. Nice. Have a good week -- or however long. :)